Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Feeling so small

When I first saw this image, I was certain it was a clever photoshop gimmick. But it isn't. This is a cave in a remote part of northern Mexico, discovered back in 2000 by two miners. It's known as Cueva de los Cristales, and has been described as the Sistine Chapel of crystals.

Deep underground, the cave was once filled with water heated constantly by the magma below, which caused dissolved minerals to crystallize undisturbed for hundreds of thousands of years, forming massive geometric structures. Only in 1985 when miners inadvertedly drained the cave, did these crystals finally cease to grow.

What I wonder is how the miners must have felt when they first stumbled upon this place. It doesn't feel like it even belongs this world. I would have wondered if I had died and discovered some form of afterlife, heaven or hell...

Read more about the caves here.

Actually, it reminds me of a game I used to play as a kid...