Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Seeing is believing!

This one's a bit dated, but it's truly priceless and I couldn't resist!

Imagine a quaint county courthouse, in rural Tennessee, and imagine that its surrounding grounds have been designated as a sort of "free speech zone" -- a space open to outdoor displays and installations of all sorts. What might you expect to find there?

Well, as it turns out: a soldiers' memorial, a Statue of Liberty, a cross-bearing Jesus, a chainsaw-carved sculpture of monkeys and bears, and...

...wait for it...

...a Flying Spaghetti Monster!

To those of you unaware of the deep significance of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, get thyself an education.

To everyone else, may you be touched by his noodly appendage!

You can read more the county courthouse and its inadvertent encounter with Pastafarianism here.

And while you're at it, do treat yourself to the open letter to the Kansas State Board of Education that started it all.